
Don't forget - if you don't have access to facebook, you can still see (well, sort of) our Group Page on this website at Other News. And you can also see the ELC Rangers page there, which is often updated several times a week. Or why not join facebook and see them in full? You can even post yourself on the ELCV site (I didn't mean that - but yes, it could be a selfie!).

ELCV Website Launched

Well, the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers finally have a live website!

Hopefully you will find it useful as a news feed, for reference, and especially the Dates page. It's also geared towards attracting new volunteers - we can always do with more help: share it with the buttons in the footer of any page. 

Have a good look round. And let us know what you think - all comments are helpful, whether suggestions or criticism (or praise!). 

Many thanks to all those who have contributed - both with comments, text and images, especially Duncan, Nick, Sam, Tara, Katty, most charity trustees, Ben for javascript, Kualo for site hosting, and the rangers whose social media has been shamelessly borrowed.

Terns Fencing

DSC03234Terns are a protected species, and the Little and Arctic varieties are rare in the county. So annually the Countryside Ranger Service organise a “fence” around a key nesting site on Spike Island. See us volunteers hard at work helping (and Tara running round in circles) on YouTube here.
Last year we finally saw success with four nesting Arctics(?). See what we are ultimately aiming at on this RSPB video!

John Muir Country Park Wed 27 Apr

Hello folks,
Hope you are enjoying the glorious weather!
Our next task takes us to John Muir Country Park, where we will be meeting at the Linkfield car park at 10am on Wednesday 27th April. The task will be to do a general tidy up of the site, including fixing up the barbeque site, crazy pathing, some cutting back of vegetation and litter picking. Oh, and maybe a little sign painting. J
All in all it should be a great task for all to get involved with and get the country park looking its best for the coming summer season. Please let us know if you are coming so we – as always – can get an idea of roughly how many tools and whatsits to bring along.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Brian and Tara

April Events

A wee reminder of volunteer tasks this showery month (courtesy of Katty Baird)
NB: New faces always welcome! If you would like to join in with a group for the first time, please get in touch with the relevant ranger for details.
* Aberlady –Weds 6th and Sun 17th April
John; jharrison@eastlothian.gov.uk
* Yellowcraig – Thurs 7th April
Dave; dwild@eastlothian.gov.uk
* Path Wardens team task – Thurs 21st April
Duncan; dpriddle@eastlothian.gov.uk
* North Berwick – Tues 26th April
Sam; sranscombe@eastlothian.gov.uk
* Levenhall – Fri 29th April
Nick; naitken1@eastlothian.gov.uk
* John Muir CP – Sat 9th and Weds 27th April
Tara/Brian; dcv@eastlothian.gov.uk

Tern Fence

Tara writes:
Dear All,
As we outlined at the beginning of the year we have thrown in a few extra tasks, this is one! Saturday 8th April 2016 10am Linkfield Carpark . We are putting up the tern fence to prevent disturbance to the area that terns nest on the tip of Spike Island.
If you would like to join us please let me know. It is usually a longer task than normal depending on how many folk come so bring along your lunch, warm and windproof clothes it can be chilly out on the dunes. We should be finished by 1500 at the latest.
Countryside Ranger – John Muir Country Park