⚒️Install Gaia
- Click this link http://gaiagps.com/download-app-redirect
- or on the Play Store/App Store search for the app called Gaia-GPS, and install it
- Create an Account
- Enter email address & password
- Your Location: tap Sounds Good, the While using.. option if offered, and Sounds Good again
- Disclaimer: tap I Agree
- On Elevate Your Experience tap X top right (or view the marketing trying to sell you Premium subscription)
- It now shows the map, but its somewhere in the USA
- Click the locate icon
bottom left to centre on your location

We normally use only these icons:
Record a Track
Locate current position
Add a waypoint
View saved tracks, waypoints
There is a full description of the main screen on the Gaia support website here: Using-the-Main-Map
A couple of settings maybe worth changing from the default:
- The labels you create for waypoints aren’t displayed, so:
- tap the Layers icon
bottom left
- tap Map Overlays
- look for the Waypoint Labels option and switch it on
- tap the Layers icon
- The top of the map shows a dynamic compass, which personally I don’t find useful, and it drains the battery, so:
- in Settings/Map Controls I switch it off
- We dont use 3D, so the icon isnt needed,so
- in Settings/Map Controls I switch the it off