The phone number to contact the Council’s Countryside Ranger Service was changed some time ago, and this website has (at last!) been updated to show this number, which is 016120 827827. Contact them for any questions or queries.
David Quarendon
Water of Leith
Water of Leith have been treating Giant hogweed for several yerars – this is their latest blog

Major success on the Esk with the Giant Hogweed

We reckon virtually all the 72 miles of water are now free of flowering plants this year. And 100% on the Tyne. See the full report here

Trustee Meetings
Among other things, the charity trustees help progress various volunteer projects. They meet every couple of months, and did so again last week. See the reports of the meetings here
A Good Workman Always Thanks His Tools!
Friends of Yellowcraig volunteers making use of some of the tools provided by the grant award from North Berwick Golf Club Community Fund, as they tackle the invasive plant pirri pirri in the sand dunes at Yellowcraig. It’s a task that requires good tools, and as importantly the hands to wield them – so if you are interested in getting involved with countryside volunteering then please get in touch: What can we offer you? | Countryside Volunteering | East Lothian Council