Are we on the right path?

Whenever people write about their favorite Core Path they know just where it is, but often just tell you its number. Or you know a path, but don't know its number? Figuring it out means hunting through the ELC maps to find it. No longer! Thanks to Nick Morgan at ELC providing the raw data we now have an interactive map of all the core paths, which you can easily browse - see it at

And to make life easier for anyone interested in walking, all the leaflets we know of which describe walks, which are listed on the same page, can also now be easily accessed using another interactive map.

Enjoy your walking!

Mud on the Tyne

Last week we sorted out a really muddy part of the footpath on the Tyne, downstream from Hailes footbridge. We improved the drainage by cutting 2 new channels across the path, burying plastic pipes, and covering them over. It was messy work, but by now it should all have dried out (I'll check when I get back from holiday!)

Wanted: Your Help Spotting Giant Hogweed!

It may be attractive to look at, but Giant Hogweed can cause a very nasty burn. So we are eliminating it from the entire length of the river Tyne. But we need your help with spotting and recording the plants, so that the farmers who deal with them know where to look, and don't miss a single one (one flower can easily produce hundreds of new plants).

No experience is necessary - you'll quickly get to recognise the plant, and ideally we go out in pairs. You just need the odd half day free over the spring/summer, and be willing to get your wellies dirty! See the full story at //


Will you help?

Email us at


Path Wardens Christmas Walk & Lunch

The traditional Path Warden walk and Christmas lunch is on Thursday 19th December. The walk 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ will be somewhere around Haddington and lunch 🍷🍰will be in The Waterside Bistro. We have booked the room upstairs again, so we can have our usual rowdy 🎉 time!  £24.90 for two courses or £27.90 for three courses. Jenny has offered to put together a Duncan-style pub quiz and Nick will do his best to persuade Neil to buy us a round of drinks!! If you haven't yet told anyone you are going please email Nick or Jenny asap.


Don't forget - if you don't have access to facebook, you can still see (well, sort of) our Group Page on this website at Other News. And you can also see the ELC Rangers page there, which is often updated several times a week. Or why not join facebook and see them in full? You can even post yourself on the ELCV site (I didn't mean that - but yes, it could be a selfie!).

ELCV Website Launched

Well, the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers finally have a live website!

Hopefully you will find it useful as a news feed, for reference, and especially the Dates page. It's also geared towards attracting new volunteers - we can always do with more help: share it with the buttons in the footer of any page. 

Have a good look round. And let us know what you think - all comments are helpful, whether suggestions or criticism (or praise!). 

Many thanks to all those who have contributed - both with comments, text and images, especially Duncan, Nick, Sam, Tara, Katty, most charity trustees, Ben for javascript, Kualo for site hosting, and the rangers whose social media has been shamelessly borrowed.

AGM/EGM/ELCV/LOA(Lots Of Acronyms)

Its been a busy few months for the charity. We held the AGM back in May, where we heard about:

  • the progress on the transition to ELCV
  • how we spent our money
  • the re-election of trustees
  • walks we have organised
  • the path link we are trying to get established

See the full details in the AGM Minutes

Since then there have been a couple of EGMs (Extraordinary General Meetings) so that we could formally approve the precise changes to the constitution/paperwork. Pain in the neck, but we have to do things properly!

Our priorities for the rest of 2017 and beyond are the Athlestaneford/Tyne Path link, and the charity expansion/merger/morphing/migration into/with the rest of the conservation volunteering groups, to be called the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers – the ELCV.

Watch out for the new Website and Facebook Page, which will cover all our volunteering, not just the Path Wardens.