Welcome to the
Path Warden Volunteers
We are a group of around 70 local volunteers who care for the paths of East Lothian

We go out once or twice a month, both individually and as a team, to check on paths and tackle issues such as overgrown verges and drainage problems. Individually, whenever it suits. As a team, each month, to do something more major, like repairing steps. Monthly as well, the 'Tyne Team' tackle a problem somewhere along the 15-miles of path which border the river Tyne.
We restore lost paths - for example from Spott village down to the burn, or from Gifford to Morham, And we create new links - we are planning to develop core path 327 - a missing link, where currently you have to walk along a busy minor road.

We are keen to take on ideas from local groups – if you have a path needing some work, or if there is a crucial ‘local link’ needing created.
We are always looking for new recruits and contacts in local communities, so please get in touch with us to find out more. Contact us or the head honcho Jenny Hargreaves.
View the maps of Maps of East Lothian Core Paths
If you manage / own land we would be interested in hearing about any path development/management issues that you wish to explore.
Follow the Ranger Service on
or see the
Weather in East Lothian
Our old website
Paths For All website
East Lothian Council Outdoor Learning Service
Great work! I met Alastair Shepherd only last week and was inspired to make contact. Around Papple we have lost paths and perhaps with some on your expertise and muscle power we can open up an area ill-served by core paths. Is this an activity or indeed a locality that might interest your group? My very best regards, George mackintosh george.mackintosh@papple.com