We are a posse of over 300 volunteers
who help look after the countryside in East Lothian.
We look after look after footpaths, remove invasive plants, erect sheep fences,
survey wildlife, check the ponies grazing on the laws, even clean the litter off the beaches
- anything to keep the countryside the way it should be!
See what all the groups do, when they are meeting and the latest news
We work closely with the East Lothian Council's Countryside Service
and are often led by one of the Rangers.
We are split into a number of groups
Junior Rangers
Levenhall Links
North Berwick
Path Wardens
Pony Checkers
... and the Charity
Some of us formed a charity to help with promotion and fundraising
for everything from path signs to hand-tools to the
major project of the Aberlady community hub

Interested in Volunteering?
Email the council's volunteer organiser -
Dave Wild DWild@eastlothian.gov.uk
or by phone 01620 827827
or us contact@elcv.org.uk
Want New News?
To get all the latest ELCV news, your best bet is join our facebook group - you can even post news yourself! But if you don't fancy that, this website has a News page, where we also post key information (copied from that facebook page).
It's not often, so to save you keep checking we can email you whenever it is updated - you can subscribe by using the form below. NB: All emails will contain an unsubscribe option, and we are GDPR compliant.
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Well done, now there’s the constant task of keeping it up to date! I don’t know how we’d manage our Dunpender CC website without the tireless efforts of volunteer Alastair Seagroatt. I’ve asked him to put a link on it for you.
How about adding some info on how to donate to your charity?
I’ve just found a sheep tick on my back from yesterdays Plank pick up at Aberlady!!! Probably got it when I sat down for coffee.
So, PLEASE remember to check for ticks as they can carry Lyme’s Disease. Get a Tick Lasso so that they pop out cleanly & easily.
You are not alone – Nick Morgan got one last year. For more info see the second FAQ at https://www.elcv.org.uk/faq/
I also got one in my side when we were doing the japanese rose removal, didn’t notice it till the next day but took out with tweezers.
I found a tick on one of the NB Law ponies a couple of months ago. Sherlock had a tick on his eyelid and he let me take it off with my tick remover the next day. It’s the first tick I have ever seen on any of the ponies. I expect the skin on their legs is a bit tough for ticks and one hopped onto Sherlock’s fleshy eyelid while he had his head down grazing. Nasty things!