We have achieved a major milestone in our Tyne (Giant) Hogweed Eradication programme by completing our first survey of the whole river and its tributaries from source to sea.
We found 250 locations with Giant Hogweed: x100 single plants, and 150 where there were several, of which 25 had more than 5 plants, and 4 areas which had over 100!
We also spotted 100 patches of Japanese Knotweed, sizes ranging from 1 to 300 sqm, in total 4,000 sqm.
Now we wait for the hard work of the landowners as they spray or dig up these infestations, all organised by local farmer James Wyllie. Before we survey again later in the year, to spot all those which have been missed!
See the map at tasks/invasives/the-program/the-map/