The ELVPW Trustees had their AGM on the morning of Thursday 23rd June in the Hope Rooms, North Berwick. Two trustees – Mike Traynor and Nick Morgan – stood down although Nick will attend Trustees meetings as a Council official. Their two seats were filled by Graham Pettigrew and John Laws. Dave Oldham takes the position of Secretary which was held by Nick Morgan. Andy Stevenson and Duncan Priddle continue as Chair and Treasurer respectively as do Dave Quarendon and Thomas Bower as Trustees. Not sure who they are? – Check them out on the Trustees page.
Priorities for the coming year were then discussed – issues such as promoting the work of path wardens by stickers on path signage and organising a SpringTyne Stroll for 2017 were raised. Linked to this latter issue, the training of path wardens for leading guided walks appeared to be well received. There was also discussion of coordinating path wardens work with that of Amenity Services staff and encouraging wardens to submit monthly reports.
There then followed a talk by Carl Howman, ELC’s Dog Warden. Stray dogs, fouling and aggressive dogs were discussed and an interesting and informative debate followed.