🎵What to Record?
We want to record all the details we can, to help the landowner find them, and to monitor our overall progress:
- Plant
- GH for Giant Hogweed
- JK for Japanese Knotweed
- HB for Himalayan Balsam
- Quantity
- eg x5
- For JK/HB estimate the area, eg 20sqm
- Status
- eg small, medium, large, flowering (hopefully not!)
- Bank
- Which side of the river its on, eg left bank (looking downstream)
- Your initials, eg DQ
- Any other useful info (if long, put in Notes), e.g.
- Under tree; Hidden in bushes; opposite gate
- looks sprayed
- still not been treated despite 2 previous reports
- Dead, but has full seed head – must have been missed last year
- NB: Timestamp is automatic
- Location, Date & Time get automatically recorded & exported by the software
- GH x5 3ft left bank hidden in willows. DQ
- GH x1 flowering in woods off right bank. Reported in April but still there!
- JK 30sqm island by West Bank. Look as if sprayed
- Couldnt survey 20m upstream of here, too overgrown. DQ
- Started/Ended my Spring survey here
Great to have ALL the dates in a single location!