AGM/EGM/ELCV/LOA(Lots Of Acronyms)

Its been a busy few months for the charity. We held the AGM back in May, where we heard about:

  • the progress on the transition to ELCV
  • how we spent our money
  • the re-election of trustees
  • walks we have organised
  • the path link we are trying to get established

See the full details in the AGM Minutes

Since then there have been a couple of EGMs (Extraordinary General Meetings) so that we could formally approve the precise changes to the constitution/paperwork. Pain in the neck, but we have to do things properly!

Our priorities for the rest of 2017 and beyond are the Athlestaneford/Tyne Path link, and the charity expansion/merger/morphing/migration into/with the rest of the conservation volunteering groups, to be called the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers – the ELCV.

Watch out for the new Website and Facebook Page, which will cover all our volunteering, not just the Path Wardens.


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