The Charity - Our Mission

Our mission is to support the enhancement and maintenance of the countryside, including the path network and nature reserves, within East Lothian, and promote it as a vehicle for citizenship/community development and volunteering, environmental protection and improvement.

Activities include:

  • Monitor, repair & improve countryside areas, especially paths
  • Source funding for countryside survey, maintenance, improvement and promotion
  • Promote the work of the volunteers, and the health benefits of the countryside

Whilst ensuring we:

  • Protect sensitive habitats and species
  • Deliver help equally across East Lothian
  • Deliver tangible community benefits

Who are all the Trustees?

our Constitution
or our  Business Plan
or view the Minutes of Meetings
or our history as Path Wardens

What Projects are we currently working on?

2 thoughts on “Charity”

  1. Over the weekend i lost my phone at Yellowcraigs. It was found by a warden, and he suggested i could make a donation to you guys as a gesture of thanks. How do i make that happen please?

    • Well, that’s very good of both you and the ranger! We have very little funds, and find it hard to attract donations, so any help is much appreciated. We spend on things like tools for maintaining the paths & hedgerows, and gloves for dealing with toxic plants.
      If you have electronic banking, the easiest way is bank transfer:
      Royal Bank of Scotland
      Account name: East Lothian Countryside Volunteers.
      Sort code 832225
      Account number 00705855
      Any issue with this, just let us know.
      Thanks again

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