
Don't forget - if you don't have access to facebook, you can still see (well, sort of) our Group Page on this website at Other News. And you can also see the ELC Rangers page there, which is often updated several times a week. Or why not join facebook and see them in full? You can even post yourself on the ELCV site (I didn't mean that - but yes, it could be a selfie!).

ELCV Website Launched

Well, the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers finally have a live website!

Hopefully you will find it useful as a news feed, for reference, and especially the Dates page. It's also geared towards attracting new volunteers - we can always do with more help: share it with the buttons in the footer of any page. 

Have a good look round. And let us know what you think - all comments are helpful, whether suggestions or criticism (or praise!). 

Many thanks to all those who have contributed - both with comments, text and images, especially Duncan, Nick, Sam, Tara, Katty, most charity trustees, Ben for javascript, Kualo for site hosting, and the rangers whose social media has been shamelessly borrowed.